Here's a list of some of my sites - most are only very occasionally updated vanity sites or personal archives This index site, is an alias for this. My cycling blog. Tends to be used more in the summer. A miscellany of rubbish seldom updated My family tree details Strolling around Home for bits of software development stuff. is an alias for this. Techie-talk blog My blog on green ecology matters A major project documenting the history of the green movement in the UK from 1970-1990 My fruit farm project The blog of our ride to COP23 in Bonn and what happened when we got there The blog of our ride to COP21 in Paris and what happened when we got there


There are a few other sites which I provide facilities for as part of the alternative gift economy - I don't do this commercially (despite what it may say on some old pages) so don't even ask. If I like what you want to do then maybe I can help you, lets talk...

My mobile number hasn't changed for a very long time - it is 07736 741268, I don't have a landline number.